Teresa Caneda Cabrera (P. I.)

Convergences between Joyce Modernism and Translation

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In 2002 I published La estética modernista como práctica de resistencia en A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, a re-evaluation of the ideological implications of modernist aesthetics in the context of Joyce’s early fiction.

Since then my research has concentrated mainly on the convergences between Joyce, Modernism and Translation. My more recent publications have addressed the translational poetics of “extraterritorial” Joyce and also the circulation and reception of Joyce’s translations.

Current Research

My current research concentrates both on translation as a form of negotiation between cultures and in relation to socio-political and intellectual frameworks vis-à-vis the concept of cultural mobility and on the exploration of cultural practices of silence in the contemporary literary production of Irish fiction writers. I was the PI of the research project  inTRUTHS "Inconvenient Truths: Cultural Practices of Silence in Contemporary Irish Fiction", funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad and FEDER (2018-2021) and I am currently the PI of  inTRUTHS 2: "The Articulation of Communal and Individual Vulnerabilities in Contemporary Irish Writing" PID2020-114776GB-I00 funded by  MCIN/AEI (2021-2025)

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