Teresa Caneda Cabrera (P. I.)

 B C  [with José Carregal-Romero] "Introduction: Silences that Speak". Narratives of the Unspoken in Contemporary Irish Fiction: Silences that Speak. Eds. M. Teresa Caneda-Cabrera and José Carregal-Romero.


Palgrave Macmillan, 2023. ISBN: 978-3-031-30454-5.

Open Access Springer International Publishing

Follow DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-30455-2_1 


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 B C  “To Pick up the unsaid, and perhaps unknown, wishes”: Reimagining the “True Stories” of the Past in Evelyn Conlon’s Not the Same Sky. Narratives of the Unspoken in Contemporary Irish Fiction: Silences that Speak. Eds. M. Teresa Caneda-Cabrera and José Carregal-Romero.


Palgrave Macmillan, 2023. (43-64) ISBN: 978-3-031-30454-5.

Open Access Springer International Publishing

Follow DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-30455-2_3


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 B C  “Sure, Aren’t the Church Doing Their Best?” Breaking Consensual Silence in Emer Martin’s The Cruelty Men. Narratives of the Unspoken in Contemporary Irish Fiction: Silences that Speak. Eds. M. Teresa Caneda-Cabrera and José Carregal-Romero.


Palgrave Macmillan, 2023. (191-212) ISBN: 978-3-031-30454-5.

Open Access Springer International Publishing

Follow DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-30455-2_10


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 B C  "Nothing but the Truth: Introduction". Telling Truths: Evelyn Conlon and the Task of Writing. Ed. M. Teresa Caneda-Cabrera. Peter Lang. (1-7) ISBN: 9781800794818 

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 B C   “Women’s Mobility in Evelyn Conlon’s Fiction”. Telling Truths: Evelyn Conlon and the Task of Writing. Ed. M. Teresa Caneda-Cabrera. Peter Lang. (43-64) ISBN: 9781800794818 

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 Art   "Ulysses at 100: The  Shelter of the Unhoused Wanderer". James Joyce Literary Supplement: Vol. 36: Iss. 1, Article 41 (101-103). 2023. 

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 Art  "The Year in Review: Irish Studies in Spain 2022. Introduction". Estudios Irlandeses 18 (235-238). 2023  ISSN: 1699-311X 

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 BOOK   Narratives of the Unspoken in Contemporary Irish Fiction: Silences that Speak

Edited by Teresa Caneda-Cabrera and José Carregal Romero
Palgrave Macmillan, 2023, Open Access Springer International Publishing
See all formats HERE



 BOOK  Telling Truths: Evelyn Conlon and the Task of Writing

Peter Lang, 2023.  Series: Reimagining Ireland, Volume 117

Volume editor: Teresa Caneda


ISBN (Softcover) 9781800794818

DOI 10.3726/b18387

See book launch here

 BOOK  Atlantic Communities: Translation, Mobility, Hospitality
Routledge, 2023.

Editors: M Teresa Caneda-Cabrera; Rui Carvalho Homem ; David Johnston
ISBN 978-1-03-240791-3



 Art  "Literature and Translation: Global Confluences and Meaningful Asymmetries.” The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Globalization.  Eds. Esperança Bielsa and Dionysios Kapsaskis, Routledge, 2021. 265-277.

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 Art   " Breaking Consensual Silence through Storytelling: Stories of Conscience and Social Justice in Emer Martin’s The Cruelty Men.” Miscelánea: A Journal of English and American Studies no. 62,  2020. 167-185.

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 Art / Intro  [with Rui Carvalho Homem & David Johnston] “Atlantic communities: Translation, mobility, hospitality.” Atlantic Studies, 15 : 3 (2018). 301-314.

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 B C  "Joyce and the Aesthetics of Silence: Absence and Loss in 'The Dead'" in James Joyce's Silences (eds. Jolanta Wawrzycka, Serenella Zanotti). Bloomsbury Academic, 2018. 93-104.


 Art   "Women on the Move: Mobility in Evelyn Conlon's Fiction." Estudios Irlandeses no. 12 (2017). 26-38.

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 Art   “One Hundred Years of ‘Silence, Exile and Cunning’: A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (1916-2016)”. Nexus  2016 : 2. 114-123. 

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 B C  "Trans/atlantic Mobilities: Translating Narratives of Irish Resistance" in Towards 2016: 1916 in Irish Literature, Culture & Society. Crosson, Seán and W. Huber (eds.) Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2015. 83-96.


 B C  “Joyce, Hospitality and the Foreign Other" in James Joyce: Whence, Whither and How. Giuseppina Cortese et al. (eds) Edizioni dell'Orso, 2015. 269-278.


 Art  [with J. Carregal Romero] "Female Mobility in James Joyce’s 'Eveline' and Colm Tóibín’s Brooklyn"Papers on Joyce 19/20 (2013-2014): 55-74.

 Art  “Translation and Postcolonial Encounters: From Cuba to Ireland and Back” in Interventions 15 : 3 (September 2013). 402-17.

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 Art  “The Translator's Net: The World as Word in A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man” in Word and Text, Vol. 2, Issue 2. December 2012. 98-109.

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 B C  “Modernism and the Metropolis: Representing the City as Transitory Spectacle” in Relational Designs in Literature and the Arts: Page and Stage, Canvas and Screen. Rodopi (IFAVL series, no. 158), 2012. 279-291.


 Art  “The Translational Poetics of Extraterritorial Joyce” in Papers on Joyce, no. 17, 2011. 3-18.

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Martín Urdiales Shaw

 Art  "Welcome to America 2.0”: Reading Waste in Gary Shteyngart’s Super Sad True Love Story". Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses, nº 86, 2023 (special issue on Toxic Tales: Narratives of Waste in Postindustrial North America / Relatos tóxicos: Narrativas de Waste en la Norteamérica posindustrial), pp 127-144.

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   @ Ant. Bibl.  Bernard Malamud online annotated bibliography in the series Oxford Bibliographies in American Literature. Oxford University Press, 27 Oct. 2021. Editors-in-chief: Jackson R. Bryer, Richard Kopley, Paul Lauter. DOI: 10.1093/OBO/9780199827251-0224 

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 B C  "The Challenges of Translating Art Spiegelman's Maus" in The Palgrave Handbook of Holocaust Literature and Culture, 511-528. Palgrave Macmillan, 2020.


 Art  " 'He was in no place and no place was in him': Edward Dahlberg's Autobiographical Fictions as an Epistemology of Sites" in Revista de Estudios Norteamericanos, no. 21, 2017. 145-165.

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 B C  "Race and Cultural Politics in Bellow's Fiction" in The Cambridge Companion to Saul Bellow, 120-133. Cambridge University Press, 2017. 


 B C  “Fixing Bernard Malamud's The Fixer through Translation: From El hombre de Kiev (1966) to El reparador (2011)” in Bernard Malamud: A Centennial Tribute. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 2016. 163-182.


 Art  “Between Transmission and Translation: The Rearticulation of Vladek Spiegelman's Languages in Maus” in Translation and Literature, 24 : 1 (Spring) 2015. 23-41.


 B C  “All about 9/11, all but 9/11: The Shifting Epistemological Paradigm of Art Spiegelman’s In the Shadow of No Towers” in Picturing the Language of Images. Cambridge Scholars Publishing (CSP): Newcastle, 2013. 471-481.


 B C   “Reaching Beyond the Commix/Ture: Art Spiegelman's Maus as Relational Genre” in Relational Designs in Literature and the Arts: Page and Stage, Canvas and Screen. Rodopi (IFAVL series, no. 158), 2012. 167-183.

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 Art  “Voicing the Survivor of Those Unspeakable Sites: Translating Vladek Spiegelman” in Word and Text. Vol. 2, Issue 2. December 2012. 26-42.

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Jorge Figueroa Dorrego

 Art / Intro  John Crowne, 2024: El galán casado, o el curioso impertinente, translated by Gonzalo Díaz Migoyo. Oviedo: Luna de Abajo, 2023. El Quijote y sus interpretaciones, nº 16. ISBN: 978-8486375799, pp. 11-55.

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 Rev   William Winstansley, 2022: El Paladín de Essex, Salamanca: Universidad de Salamanca e Instituto Cervantes; ISBN: 978-84-18210-27-3. Cervantes 43.1 (2023), pp. 197-200

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 Rev   Jorge Blanco-Vacas, 2022: Mr. Turbulent. A Critical Edition, Bern: Peter Lang. SEDERI 32 (2022), pp. 113-117

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 Art  Genrefying Restoration Comedy: The Challenge of Classifying Generic Diversity.” Restoration and Eighteenth-Century Theatre Research, vol. 33, nº 1, 2021, pp. 43-59.

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 B C  ‘I have had enough of variety”: Reclaiming the Rake in The Debauchee”. (Re)defining Gender in Early Modern English Drama, edited by Laura Martínez-García and María José Álvarez Faedo. Bern: Peter Lang, 2020. 207-224


 Art  "Exposing the Whore: Mysoginy in Prostitute Narratives of Restoration England", Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses, 79 (2019), 33-53.

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 B C  "Genres"  in Restoration Comedy, 1671-1682: A Catalogue. Ed. María José Mora. Amherst: Teneo Press, 2018. 33-43.

 Art  "The Fear of Laughter in Restoration Prose Fiction" in English Literature: Theories, Interpretations, Contexts, vol. 5 (2018), 113-130. Edizioni Ca' Foscari, Venezia.

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 Art  "Genre Shifting in Restoration Adaptations of Cervantes’s “El curioso impertinente”" in Atlantis 40.1 (June 2018). 59-75.

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 Rev   Laura Martínez-García 2014. Seventeenth- and Eighteenth-Century English Comedies as a New Kind of Drama. A Foucauldian Interpretation of Family Relations, Sexuality, and Resistance as Psychological Power. Lewiston: Edwin Mellen Press. SEDERI 25, 2015. 193-198

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 Rev  The Marriage-Hater Matched, by Thomas Durfey. Eds. Manuel J. Gómez-Lara, María José Mora, and Paula de Pando. Comedy Studies 6. 1 (2015): 98-99.

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 B C  “Transgressing Class, Gender, and Genre: The Jilt Narratives of Restoration England” in Genre in English Literature (1650-1700): Transitions in Drama and Fiction. Cambria Press, Amherst (NY), 2014. 221-254.


 Rev  “The Disenchantments of Love (1647). María de Zayas y Sotomayor” in Feminist Writings from Ancient Times to the Modern World. A Global Sourcebook and History. Greenwood/ABC-CLIO, Santa Barbara, 2011. 100-103.


 B C  “Aphra Behn’s Appropriation of the Literary Figure of the Jilt” in Aphra Behn and Her Female Successors, Lit Verlag, Viena, 2011. 93-107.


 Art  “Ariadne's Adaptation of Alexander Oldys's The Fair Extravagant in She Ventures and He Wins” in SEDERI 19, 2009. 177-188.

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Araceli González Crespán

 Art  "Institutionalized Violence and Oppression: Ambiguity, Complicity and Resistance in El Campo and The Conduct of Life," in Comparative Drama. Vol. 58, Issue 1, 2024, pp. 109-129.

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 Rev  Fornés, María Irene, 2023: Evelyn Brown (A Diary), Seville, ISSN 1133-309X. Revista De Estudios Norteamericanos, vol. 27 (December 2023), pp. 141-146.

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 Rev  Noelia Hernando-Real, 2022: Rosas en la Arena: los relatos de Susan Glaspell, València: Universitat de València, ISBN: 978-84-9134-048-1.  Revista de Filología de la Universidad de La Laguna, n.º 47 (diciembre 2022), pp. 393-95.

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 Art  “From La Viuda to Letters from Cuba: Family Correspondance in María Irene Fornés' Theater" . Revista De Estudios Norteamericanos, vol. 27, December 2023, pp. 83-98. DOI:10.12795/REN.2023.i27.6.

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 Art  "The Cuban Rafter Crisis on Stage: Humanizing the Experience of Refugees in María Irene Fornés’ Manual for a Desperate Crossing" American, British and Canadian Studies, vol.39, no.1, 2022, pp.100-120.

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 Art  "Wonder, Refuge, Promise: Explorations and Discoveries of America in Maria Irene Fornes' Final Plays" , Latin American Theatre Review, vol. 56, no. 1 (Fall 2022), pp. 43-6

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 B C   "El diario como herramienta de reflexión en un curso de teatro estadounidense: hacia una evaluación formativa" in La escritura del diario. Aspectos literarios, culturales y educativos. Ed. Rafael Malpartida. Editorial Comares, 2021. 115-122.


 Rev  Emeline Jouve, 2017. Susan Glaspell’s Poetics and Politics of Rebellion. Iowa City: Iowa University Press. ACOTACIONES, no. 40 (enero-junio 2018), 261-264.

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 B C  "The Tragic (Male) Hero in the Wake of the New Millenium: Upturning Gender and Sexuality in The Goat, or Who Is Sylvia?" in Sex, Gender, and Sexualities in Edward Albee's Plays,  (Vol 2. of New Perspectives in Edward Albee Studies).  Edited by John M. Clum and Cormac O'Brien. Brill, 2018. 121-136.


 Rev  Voces contra la mediocridad. La vanguardia teatral de los Provincetown Players, 1915-1922 by Noelia Hernando Real). Revista de  Estudios Norteamericanos 20 (2016), 223-226.

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 B C  “Defining Gender and Sexuality in The Children’s Hour” in Woman on Trial. Gender and the Accused Woman in Plays from the Ancient Greece to the Contemporary Stage. (eds. Kritzer, Amelia and Miriam López). Amherst: Teneo Press, 2015. 199-219.


 Art  “Educational Dramatics: The Instructional Qualities of Fefu and Her Friends” in Revista de Estudios Norteamericanos (REN) no. 17. Universidad de Sevilla, 2013. 43-56.

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 Intro,Trans, Notes  “Apuntes biográficos sobre Beah Richards” (203-205) and “Habla una negra” (207-211) in Asparkía. Investigació Feminista. Special Issue on Mujeres a escena. Dramaturgas estadounidenses contemporáneas, nº 23, Instituto Universitario de Estudios Feministas y de Género, Universitat Jaume I, Castellón, 2012. 

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 Art  “Las mujeres de Lilian Hellman: una voz poderosa en un teatro de hombres” in Asparkía: Investigació Feminista, no. 23. Instituto Universitario de Estudios Feministas y de Género, Universitat Jaume I, Castellón, 2012. 49-71.

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