NETEC Team Members
Teresa Caneda Cabrera (P. I.)
My research concentrates on translation as a form of negotiation between cultures and in relation to socio-political and intellectual frameworks. I am also interested in exploring issues such as transnationalism, foreignness and mobility in relation to Modernism, Contemporary Irish Fiction and Translation Studies.
Martín Urdiales Shaw
My research focuses on American 20th century literature, mainly specializing in the fields of Jewish American prose, 1930s urban fiction and American popular culture. I am also interested in Holocaust Studies and have addressed issues of translatability and representational strategies in Jewish-American graphic-novels.
Jorge Figueroa Dorrego
My research mainly focuses on 17th and 18th-century British literature and culture, with particular emphasis on comedy and prose fiction, women writers, and issues mostly related to gender, genre, transtextuality and humour. I have authored monographs on Aphra Behn and other 17th-century female novelists.
Araceli González Crespán
My research centrally focuses on female playwrights in contemporary American theater. I have continued interrogating female representations as depicted by female playwrights and have extended my theoretical tenets from semiotics to other approaches that include notions of ethnicity, multiculturalism and difference.
Muriel Domínguez Viso
My main fields of research are gender, selfhood and the construction of subjectivities in life-writing and contemporary Irish fiction by female writers. I am currently enrolled on the Inter-University PhD Programme in Advanced English Studies at the Universities of A Coruña, Santiago de Compostela and Vigo, writing my PhD thesis under the supervision of Dr. M. Teresa Caneda-Cabrera.
Lydia Freire Gargamala
My research attempts to provide an ecocritical approach to Irish Gothic fiction focusing on female authors of the 18th century and paying particular attention to Burke’s notion of the sublime and the natural environment. I am currently working on my PhD thesis, provisionally entitled "An Ecocritical Analysis of Eighteenth-Century Gothic Fiction Written by Irish Female Authors" under the supervision of Dr. Jorge Figueroa Dorrego.
Martina Pisani
I am a PhD student interested in English Literature and Humour Studies. Therefore, my research combines aims to understand and explain the concept of "Wit" typically present in the Restoration Comedies of the 17th century by analysing the genre of "comedies of manners". I am currently working on my PhD thesis, provisionally entitled "Wit and Society in Restoration Comedy of the 1660s and 70s" under the supervision of Dr. Jorge Figueroa Dorrego.
David Geary Willingham
Under the direction of Martín Urdiales Shaw, my projected PhD thesis will explore representations of trauma, addiction, recovery, and resilience in contemporary Anglophone cinema, including Ravenous (1999), Auto Focus (2002), Humpday (2009), Shame (2011), Thanks for Sharing (2012), among others.