II International Conference Atlantic Communities (University of Porto 19 - 21, October 2017)
Teresa Caneda Cabrera, Araceli González Crespán and Martín Urdiales Shaw will be presenting these papers at the forthcoming II International Conference Atlantic Communities, organized by the Facultade de Letras at the University of Porto, from October 19th to 21st 2017.
- Teresa: “Between Time and Language”: Translation, Representation and Ethics in Evelyn Conlon’s Not the Same Sky." (Thursday 19th, 10 am)
- Araceli: "Alternative Battlefields: Staging conflict in Aria da Capo and The Danube" (Thursday 19th, 16.30 pm).
- Martín: "Tinker, Thinker, Rebel, Jew: The Fixer’s Translational Journey across Religious Beliefs and Secular Cultures." (Friday 20th, 9.30 am)
Jointly coorganized the University of Porto, University of Vigo, and Queen's University Belfast, this conference is a follow-up to the I International Conference Atlantic Communities held at the University of Vigo in 2015. To see panel distribution and full programme details visit this page.