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inTRUTHS Project funding (2018-2020)

The research project “Inconvenient Truths" has been granted funding (39.930 €) by Spain's Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (code FFI2017-84619-P).   The Project's Principal Investigator is Teresa Caneda Cabrera  (P.I. of NETEC), and José Carregal Romero is one of the team members. The project's academic activities and results will feature prominently in the NETEC webpage through the new tab  INTRUTHS 

foto viva

Defensa de tese | PhD Thesis viva

On 16 December 2016 José Carregal Romero successfully defended his doctoral dissertation Contemporary Redefinitions of the Irish Family in Colm Tóibín's Fiction ("Mención internacional") at the Faculty of Philology and Translation in Vigo. The dissertation was supervised by Dr María Teresa Caneda Cabrera. Committee members included Professor Anne Fogarty (University College Dublin), Dr Marisol Molares Ladrón (U Alcalá) and Dr Martín Urdiales Shaw (U Vigo).