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RELATIONAL FORMS VI: Imagining the Nation. University of Porto, Dec 2-3 2021.

M. Teresa Caneda Cabrera and Martín Urdiales-Shaw presented papers, and chaired panels, at the Relational Forms VI Conference, hosted by the research group CETAPS and the University of Porto. The first in-person conference in two years!

  • Teresa Caneda: 'Who are the Irish? ' Portraits of the Nation as a Site of Vulnerability and Resistance in Contemporary Writing.  (Panel 10:  Ireland and Narratives of (Dis)Harmony)
  • Martín Urdiales: From Absurdistan (2006) to Super Sad True Love Story (2010): Gary Shteyngart's (semi)Fictional Worlds and the Death of the Nation.  (Panel 8: Political Violence and Ideologies of Nation)
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40th APEAA Conference: 6 - 8 June 2019.

NETEC members Teresa Caneda Cabrera and Araceli González Crespán are participating in the 40th edition of the APEEA conference in Porto. Teresa is presenting a paper entitled: "Forget Me Not: The Ethics and Aesthetics of Silence in Irish Writing" (Panel 5, 2:30 pm, June 6). Araceli's presentation is "Letters From Cuba: Transcending Migration on Stage" (Panel 2, 11 am, June 6).

See a print program of the conference here

"Landscapes of Silence" panel at AEDEI Conference (31 May-1 June 2018)

The Research Project "Inconvenient Truths: Cultural Practices of Silence in Contemporary Irish Fiction" FFI2017-84619-P was officially  launched at the 17th AEDEI conference, held at the University of Santiago de Compostela (31 May-1 June 2018). M. Teresa Caneda Cabrera, Asier Altuna-García de Salazar and José Carregal Romero,  participated in a themed panel on "Landscapes of Silence", chaired by Eibhear Walshe. In the picture  the  inTRUTHS Research Project members, including Elke D'hoker, at the welcoming reception offered by the town hall.Click here to access the conference programme. 

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inTRUTHS Project funding (2018-2020)

The research project “Inconvenient Truths" has been granted funding (39.930 €) by Spain's Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (code FFI2017-84619-P).   The Project's Principal Investigator is Teresa Caneda Cabrera  (P.I. of NETEC), and José Carregal Romero is one of the team members. The project's academic activities and results will feature prominently in the NETEC webpage through the new tab  INTRUTHS 

6th SILAS Conference (Havana, 2017)

NETEC members Teresa Caneda-Cabrera (in the picture, with writer Colm Tóibín) and Martín Urdiales-Shaw participated in the 6th Conference of SILAS (Society for Irish and Latin American Studies) on "Island Relations: Ireland, Cuba, and the Latin World", held in Havana, Cuba, on February 16-18, 2017.

Michael D. Higgins, President of Ireland, delivered the inaugural keynote address.

The Irish writers Colm Tóibín and Joseph O’Connor, invited to Havana for the International Book Fair, were also part of the official programme.