Teresa Caneda at the UCD School of English, Drama and Film Research Seminar series.

University College Dublin, School of English, Drama and Film
November 14 at 4 pm
Speaker: Teresa Caneda (PI of the Research Project 
"Inconvenient Truths: Cultural Practices of Silences in Contemporary Irish Fiction") 

“Reflections on Cultural Practices of Silence in Irish Fiction” 

Chair: Anne Fogarty (UCD James Joyce Professor)
This event is part of the School of English, Drama and Film Research Seminar series organised by Dr Lucy Cogan.


On September 21 the Research Project inTRUTHS held the  INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR “Speaking the Unspeakable: Approaches to Silence in Contemporary Ireland” with the participation of all Project members and collaborators. This was the programme:

  • Teresa Caneda Cabrera (U. of Vigo) “Cultural Practices of Silence in Contemporary Irish Fiction: An Introduction to Themes and Theories”
  • Asier Altuna García de Salazar (University of Deusto) “Taxonomies of Silence in Recent Irish Fiction”
  • Elke D’hoker (KU Leuven) “Silence and the Short Story in Ireland”
  • Seán Crosson (NUI Galway) “Examining Silences in Irish Cinema”
  • Marisol Morales Ladrón (University of Alcalá de Henares) “The Ethics of Silence in Contemporary Historical Fiction by Irish Women Writers”
  • José Carregal Romero (U. of Vigo / University College Cork) “Boys for Rent: Breaking the Silence on Male Street Prostitution in Contemporary Irish Gay Fiction”
  • Eibhear Walshe (University College Cork) “‘Not The President of Ancient Greece’: Classicism and Unspoken Sexual Identity in Contemporary Irish Literary Culture"

The presentations were followed by lively discussions in which the INTRUTHS Project members looked at the interrelations, similarities and dissimilarities of what they identified as the overwhelming presence of cultural practices of silence in the contemporary literary production of Irish fiction writers.

"Landscapes of Silence" panel at AEDEI Conference (31 May-1 June)

The Research Project "Inconvenient Truths: Cultural Practices of Silence in Contemporary Irish Fiction" FFI2017-84619-P was officially  launched at the 17th AEDEI conference, held at the University of Santiago de Compostela (31 May-1 June). M. Teresa Caneda Cabrera, Asier Altuna-García de Salazar and José Carregal Romero,  participated in a themed panel on "Landscapes of Silence", chaired by Eibhear Walshe. In the picture  the  inTRUTHS Research Project members, including Elke D'hoker, at the welcoming reception offered by the town hall.Click here to access the conference programme.